Amalie Widerberg
Amalie Widerberg is a product marketer with extensive knowledge of Digital Asset Management. Passionate about storytelling and innovation, she creates articles that focuses on how DAM solutions and similar software can impact organizations across industries. Amalie has a Master's degree in Science & Technology Studies from the University of Oslo, and have worked at Fotoware since 2020.
Blog Posts:

Artifact photography: preserving cultural heritage with DAM
Digital Asset Management
Metadata tagging - best practices
Digital Asset Management
Consent Management for effective GDPR compliance
Media & Entertainment
How to streamline sports photography with AI and metadata — an example
Digital Asset Management
Yes, you can have a DAM in 30 days!
Customer stories
RISD Museum: A connected ecosystem for digital art collections
Customer stories
How HHLA ensures full control and GDPR compliance for all media files
Artifact photography for museums: Key principles by Daniel Lindskog, archeological photographer
Fotoware news
The zetcom and Fotoware partnership for improved Collection Management
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