Alex Kronenberg
With a background in both digital marketing and journalism, I enjoy exploring the latest developments in the worlds of tech and social media. My role at FotoWare is to tell the fascinating stories of our incredible users, featuring everything from independent photographers to museums, and charities to sports teams. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them!
Blog Posts:

Fotoware news
Fotoware's 3-Step Guide to G2 Reviews and why your rating matters
Fotoware news
Fotoware acquires Swiss Digital Asset Management provider Picturepark
Best Practices for GDPR compliance when using photos
Fotoware news
Joining FotoWare through Acquisition: an Interview with the Founder of Buildpix
Fotoware news
What Do You Need to Be a Successful CFO in a Software Growth Business?
Fotoware news
FotoWare Targets Exciting International Expansion with M&A Manager
Digital Asset Management
How to Share Files from FotoWare in 3 Steps
Digital Asset Management
6 Ways to search and find files in Fotoware
Digital Asset Management
How to Comply with GDPR Article 7 for Photos and Videos of Employees
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